Monday 24 March 2014

Post 1: Assessment week 20th March 2014 Lee Watson Jujitsu

This blog will run over an 8 period cycle, giving my performer a week of assessment, six weeks of various training exercises and then a review week to see how his progress went. i have dedicated this blog to my sports performer, Lee Watson. Lee is a 38 year old Jujitsu (Martial Arts) athlete, who has been training for 20 years at the Art, this is the oldest style of Martial Arts which is very self defense based, including various kicks, strikes, throws, locks and chokes. Jujitsu is a very high paced art, including a lot of physical contact, it is a single person sport and not a team sport, meaning that your progress and achievement entirely rely on your own performance. This implies that in this sport that a performer needs to ensure that they are very confident, dominant, have a reasonable amount of strength and a lot of endurance.
Lee is at the level of Black Belt 3rd Dan; which is a highly respectable level, currently teaches and does training every Tuesday and Thursday night (6pm until 10pm).

Questionnaires administered and results

Firstly i presented Lee with the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory (ACSI), which measures an athlete's psychological skills. This gave me the following information as displayed in the pictures 1 and 2.

Lee scored 7/12 for coping with Adversity, this is remaining positive and being enthusiastic constantly throughout sport, Lee however showed that although he can always stay positive when performing, he may actually sometimes feel a bit down or disheartened when it comes to losing a fight possibly, or if he has a setback such as an injury, for Lee is actually prone to injuring his shoulder, which takes him out of the sport sometimes. Injury and setbacks in sport can easily make a performer feel less confident and worried in their performance, however i find that from observing Lee's performance previously that he actually is very calm and controlled when it comes to situations when he needs to be, and even when he does make various mistakes in performance that he can bounce back from this quickly and perform to the same standard that is expected of him again.

Lee scored 9/12 in his Coachability, this is being able to learn from various instructors, and accept criticism without getting upset, Lee however from the results showed that he actually can easily be coached, and be taught new things which implies that he is very open minded. Lee can learn various moves, locks and throws and if he gets criticism from instructors on if something is wrong and needs correcting.

Lee then scored 11/12 for his concentration level, this is whether Lee gets distracted during exercise, or if he can keep focus during tasks in practice and game situations, this shows that during training and in competition, Lee is able to keep his head in the game, not think about things outside of the sports, and focus on what he needs to do to achieve and win.

Lee scored 7/12 in his Confidence and Achievement Motivation, this is measuring an athlete in how confident they are when performing, and their consistency giving 100% during practice and training to achieve the goals they want to achieve. Looking at Lee's result, it shows that Lee is relatively confident, meaning he tries to stay motivated and willful during competitions when he can, and that he gives about 60-70% during practice to achieve goals, although as far as i'm aware from training with Lee; he's actually incredibly confident in his performance, and he does give 100% at all times during training to improve himself. So i find that either Lee answered some of these questions incorrectly or the outcome was just generally wrong.

Lee scored 7/12 in Goal Setting and Mental Preparation. This is a person's ability to set themselves goals to reach and achieve during sport, which is found to be very productive to reaching your overall goals and achievements that you want to reach in the long run, and mental preparation is being able to use your mind to get yourself ready for an upcoming game/event/competition. The results show here that Lee does goal setting to an extent, but usually just trains and hopes to improve, it also shows that Lee uses his mind to prepare for competitions, although he could use it more to improve the outcome of competitions.

Lee scored 7/12 in Peaking Under Pressure, this is whether an athlete feels either challenged or threatened under pressure during competitions, looking at the results and from the questions Lee answered it shows that he see's upcoming fights as more of a competition, which is important as it sets him that challenge and he doesn't feel too threatened with the chance of losing.

Lee scored 7/12 in Freedom From Worry, this is whether an athlete puts pressure on his/herself of not during competition, however from the data provided it shows that Lee does feel a certain amount of pressure before he goes into any upcoming competitions, although he uses his self control and possibly even that pressure to get himself psyched ready for the fight. In sport a lot of people have a slight worry when it comes to competitions, it would be more worrying if Lee didn't have any worry for the upcoming fight, as being too confident might stop him from training as hard as he need too, although being too worried might make him take his mind of the prize.

Looking at picture 3 i have found that these are the results; that Lee actually has strength in his coachability, and also his concentration, whereas his coping with adversity, confidence and achievement motivation, his goal setting and mental preparation, his peaking under pressure and freedom from worry were only average. Overall Lee in the ACSI test scored a total score of 55 out of 84, where higher scores signify greater strength in the area. These results overall show that Lee is definitely in the greater Strength category, as the score is a lot closer to 84, than 0.

Classify the motives YOUR athlete has identified from the questionnaire in the table below
Intrinsic Factors
Extrinsic Factors
Extrinsic Factors
Training hard
Getting better
Respect from others

From the data i received from the questionnaire that Lee answered, i gathered this table of results above. It seems like from the data that Lee is motivated by Intrinsic Factors more than Extrinsic Factors, such as training, learning, improving, fitness etc. Although he does have some Extrinsic tangible Factors such as money, training and Extrinsic intangible Factors such as receiving respect from others.

This image shows the result from the Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT), the result of this test gives me the result of the anxiety level of my sport performer, Lee Watson.
From the data, i have gathered that overall Lee has a SCAT Score of 21, where Less than 17 would mean Lee has a low level of Anxiety, 17 - 24 would mean that Lee has an average level of Anxiety, and anything over the SCAT Score of 24 would mean that Lee has a high level of Anxiety, since Lee's SCAT Score was 21, it implies that he has an average Anxiety level.

Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
The results show overall that Lee has a normal Anxiety level, meaning that this will not affect his sport performance negatively, from Lee's answers, i find that his nerves can be slightly jittery before competition, although if Lee is under pressure he can remain stable and prepare himself for competition.

This is the performance profile wheel; where Lee has filled in what he believes are his strongest attributes from the data i have gathered in the previous tests, looking at the data i have found that Lee believes that his strongest skills are his Concentration, his Motivation, his Focus and his Mental Toughness, i find that this is accurate, although i would also say that Lee's Confidence should be one of his strongest factors also, his weaker factors are his Awareness, his Self Control, and he could work on his Strength also. This concludes that in my 6 week testing programme i will ensure that i am going to help Lee improve his Awareness, Self Control and his Strength mainly, to improve him overall as an athlete.

Needs Analysis / SWOT

Clients Name: Lee Martin Watson
Assessors Name: Joe Bywater
Results from Assessment
1.       Athletic Coping Skills Inventory
Overall score of 55/84, implying that Lee signifies a greater strength in the coping skills inventory test.
2.       Motives of Athlete
Overall showed that he is more of an Intrinsic Athlete, prefers to do the sport for himself, to achieve, to get better, to win and to improve.
3.       Sport Competition Anxiety (SCAT)
Overall score of 21, meaning that Lee has an average level of anxiety; this can benefit a sports performer.
Main Strengths
Main Areas for Improvement/Weaknesses
From the data gathered, Lee showed significant signs that Coachability was one of his main strengths, this shows that Lee can be taught new techniques and be given constructive feedback well, Lee also showed signs of Concentration; this is incredibly important in Jujitsu as it is used in every technique and during fights is vital. One of Lee’s strengths is his motivation and his desire, Lee wants to achieve, and he is always working on new skills and techniques to improve his general Jujitsu and his fighting ability. Lee also has an average level of anxiety, this is important to note as it shows that he does have some worry when it comes to  sports performance although he doesn’t worry too much, this is good as it shows that he can use this small amount of worry to keep training so he can focus and win in competitions.
One of Lee’s areas for improvement is his goal setting; goal setting is important in Jujitsu as a person needs to be able to set themselves various achievement objectives to tick off during training, so that when it comes to competition he will be able to apply these new achievements into his performance. Lee also needs to improve his confidence; confidence is expanded and gained by continuously winning fights and getting better and better at what you do, although Lee already has a great amount of confidence, I find that by strengthening his weaker shoulder may help boost this confidence when it comes to competitions. Peaking under pressure is also one of Lee’s areas for improvement; Lee needs to make sure that pressure doesn’t get to him when it comes to competitions, or else it could affect his sports performance negatively. Freedom from worry is also something that can be improved; this could actually be improved by improving confidence in performance more, as then Lee will have less worry when it comes to competitive situations.
Strategies for Improvement / Opportunities
Threats to your Development
More training time
Asking higher member senior instructors for more training exercises
Working more on these weaker areas
Getting more competition experience
Travelling to different clubs and getting more training and experience externally
Watching back previous videos of competitions to gain more confidence.
Ask various others to do training sessions externally from club
Lee, because of work issues may struggle to find the time for extra and continuous training exercises, and because Lee is also a teacher at Jujitsu he might not find the time to practice and improve on his weaknesses himself due to being so busy. It is important for Lee to find the time for extra personal training and practice himself, as like everyone else he needs to improve.

Lee has a shoulder injury that may affect extra practice and training, I will need to ensure that if I create a 6 week programme for him that I don’t put too much strain on his shoulder or else it may damage further resulting in him not being able to compete.

1 comment:

  1. P6 Achieved
    Well done Joe, you have successfully created your first post and it’s of extremely high quality. You have completed an excellent assessment of the current psychological strengths and weaknesses of your selected athlete. Describing in detail the psychological demands their sport (martial arts) makes upon them, the pressures of certain positions and related this to both training and in competition stress. You have then used a plethora of questionnaires ACSI, SM28, SCAT CSAI2 and your own individually assessment methods to measure their current psychological skills. The analysis of the profile and questionnaires they completed is highly detailed and extremely thorough with you making some excellent observations, which are nicely summarised in your SWOT analysis. Excellent Work!!!
